- 07/05/2020
全港學校分階段復課的相關安排 Arrangements of Class Resumption in Phases for All Schools (Schools offering Non-local Curriculum)
- 07/05/2020
言語治療網上學習資源 The Speech Therapy Online Learning Materials
- 28/02/2020
學校停課至四月十九日事宜 Class suspension until 19th April
- 15/02/2020
教育局澄清 EDB clarification
- 13/02/2020
全港學校延遲復課的相關安排 Arrangements on Deferral of Class Resumption for All Schools
- 07/02/2020
- 06/02/2020
教育局局長記者會開場發言(Chinese only)
- 03/02/2020
學校停課至三月一日特別通告 Class suspension until 1st March
- 01/01/2020
電子版特別家課 Online Homework
- 18/10/2019
2019-2020 第二十五屆學校運動會
- 02/09/2019